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- air freight forwarding that provides clients with professional cargo-pick up, warehousing, customs clearance and air-shipment booking services. The licensed in-house customs brokerage division offers our clients not only the general inbound and outbound customs clearance, but also the special visa application for goods such as textiles, books and computer software. Through EDI linkage with airport customs office, we expedite the customs clearance procedure for our clients so as to get the goods on board on time. Pacific Star air freights forwarding brings together the resources of Pacific Star Group, and has branches or agents in all of the world’s major cities – giving it a consummate service network. Through coordination with warehouses and first class airlines, Pacific Star International is able to meet all of our clients’ demands through its speed, accuraCY, extensive transport routes and meticulous service国内第一家以陆运方式跨境在中国和越南之间、实行门到门服务的物流公司,公司总部在广州天河区,在中国和越南均有进出口贸易权,在两国多个省份、大城市和口岸,设有直属分公司。
1, 代理客户办理出口核销、进口免税货物的运输。
2, 由万商代理进出口报关、客户承担关税的货物运输,并可代理出口退税业务。
3, 进出口由万商报关并承担关税(包双清)的货物运输。
4, 从国内直发越南的海运、空运的代理业务。
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