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- 公司自创建以来始终秉承“诚信、创新、高效”的企业宗旨。经过全体员工的不懈拼搏、奋力开拓、公司发展迅速,与众多国内外大中型船公司有着良好的合作关系,服务航线覆盖全球各地,以其精湛专业的服务,赢得了客户的信任,在竞争激烈的货运市场中独领风骚。公司配备24小时专业人员服务系统,无缝对接天津港口服务模式创导者。7x24小时服务常态服务意识,让客户无时无刻享受一对一的专业服务。多年来,特思博坚决贯彻“精益求精”的管理理念,以标准化的业务过程,严格控制服务质量,要求每个员工充分参与、紧密配合,为客户提供及时、准确的海、陆、空运输代理及仓储、保税、物流等全方位服务。严格的管理不仅赢得了客户的嘉许,而且使公司形成了一只高素质的员工队伍。
Addition, we also provide import and export taxes and international express package (DHL UPS FX TNT) and other services, goods imported from Hong Kong to China is through the carpool vehicle clearance bulk way, denominated in kilograms, all-inclusive cost of goods to payment. Without any customs declaration, customs clearance on behalf of for all (including inspection, customs clearance, customs clearance, tax, etc.) procedures, this service is simple, safe, efficient, reasonable cost.
The airlines listed above is our long-term promotion of the main services and products, and from time to time have special launch, our company will be published on the Internet.
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