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- 我司专业代理中国货物出口---日本全线,业务范围包括日本国关东:东京、名古屋、横滨,关西:大阪、神户及日本偏港海运、整柜、拼柜、空运、专线、通关、日本门到门派送、代理货物检验、货物检品、订舱、报关、产地证、进出口代理、日本整柜,拼箱进口等一条龙服务。 无论你是直客还是同行,我们都将提供最优服务。
无论你是想海运费到付,还是想月结,还是要垫付货款。还是需要目的港的免堆时间,我们都可以满足。日本到香港,深圳,珠三角地区进口我们都可以提供服务。 service in China main air port such Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hongkong, Shanghai etc. and have a stable network .In Europe, North America, Africa, the Middle East, Red Sea ,India and pakistan,Southeast Asia,we have good agent service who can provide door-to-door service to customers.Also establish close relations of cooperation with airlines.
Shenzhen as one of the world's busiest airport,the route network across more than 30 countries and 30 major cities.With these massive goods, you must be careful to choose a wealth of experience,safe and reliable air transportation agents. Our Air Department, with experienced staff, coupled with the management of computer systems, timely and effective delivery the goods of your company to the destination.
Main routes: Europe / North America / Middle East/Red Sea /India and Pakistan/Southeast Asia
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