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- 目前公司拥有重、中型集装箱货柜拖车26台,吨车15台,对外挂靠车辆几十台,其中包带本监管车,平板车,吊机车,冷冻车及危险品专用拖车,能够满足各类客户群体的拖车运输需求。
海外代理网络是公司不断成长的关键,至今公司的海外代理网络覆盖100多个国家,300多个专业严谨、信誉资质一流的海外代理能为公司海内外客户提供完备的全球化物流服务,包括海空运进出口,铁路进出口,转运业务,退运业务,三角贸易,海空联运,空海联运,目的港代收运费,目的港清关,目的港派送,国外出展,海外联展,海外仓储和跨境物流等。1 Booking Agent
MRF provides comprehensive containerized marine service for both inbound and outbound business. Our service network is now throughout the world. After years of cooperation, we maintain good relationship with several main carriers, like: WHL, OOCL, KLINE, APL, CSAV, MSC, CMA, NYK, HMM, ANL, TSL, COSCO, CSCL, EMC, MSK, NCL, MOL, etc. Extensive cooperation enables MRF always acting flexible in providing the most efficient ocean transportation and the most competitive rate.
2 Container Trucking Service
MRF cooperated with several container trucking companies and also invested in our self-owned trucking department. We are focusing on bringing up a professional trucking team, and to be the most competitive in the market both for the rate and the qualified service.提供一站式国际海空运服务及物流供应链管理系统把货物的流程信息系统化、从供货商、制造商、分销商到消费者的各个环节进行 综合管理,把物流与库存成本降到最小以达至最高的成本效益。联运物流的国际网络已覆盖超过50个国家及200个城市。主要货物经由中国和香港到美国、加拿大、南美、欧洲、中东、印巴及东南亚市场 货物包括轮胎、手提电话配件、工业原料、工业机械、成衣、书及电子产品等等。除代理一般货物外本公司因应客户的需要亦有提供代理专业运送服务 如:平板车、开顶柜、框架柜、挂衣柜和危险品等。
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