-11 18
- Charter
We offer full and part air charters when regular air freight is not an option due to a remote destination, critical timing, heavy & oversized cargo, or transport of sensitive & dangerous goods.
Our highly experienced staff can arrange origin and destination handling to ensure all documentation and permits are in order in addition to securing the ideal aircraft licensed for your cargo.1823年设市并成为首府。巴西最大的铁矿石输出港,有铁路通内地伊塔比拉铁矿区;其北新建的现代化港口图巴朗可泊25万吨级海轮。还输出咖啡、木材等。有纺织、制糖、水泥、木材加工、钢铁等工业。风景秀丽,气候宜人,建有大学和殖民时期的教堂。
里约热内卢(葡萄牙语:Rio de Janeiro,意即“一月的河”),简称里约(Rio),曾经是巴西首都(1763-1960年),位于巴西东南部沿海地区,东南濒临大西洋,海岸线长636公里。里约热内卢属于热带草原气候,终年高温,气温年、日较差都小,季节分配比较均匀。
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