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- 酒类运输
1) 内包装为塑料桶、金属罐或听装的,可以使用纸箱作为外包装。
2) 内包装为玻璃瓶或瓷瓶的,瓶与瓶之间应有间隔材料。包装内应有吸水材料。
3) 酒类货物一般要求是原厂包装,若为非原厂包装时,外包装必须符合以上要求外,还要求其箱体坚固,能承受内装货物的全部重量和同类规格货物的3-4层全部重量,须以“#”字形包装带加固
• Remove all the headaches associated with packaging and shipping order fulfillment
• Reduce customer service costs so that you keep more of the profit you earn
• Increase customer service levels to build your reputation and bring you more business
• Lower corporate overhead so you use your money to grow your business faster
• Save your time so you can focus to make your business more successful.
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